Danziger Str. 78b
030 44 03 99 72
Target group: N/A (doctor practice, therefore assumed all genders, sexualities etc)
Language: German, English
Walk-ins possible? No
Insurance needed? Some tests done even without insurance, otherwise yes
Anonymity possible? No
How to make an appointment? Via online form on their website
Approx. waiting time for an appointment: Several weeks
Types of tests offered:
- HIV rapid / laboratory test
- HIV-PCR (even without insurance)
- Syphilis rapid / laboratory test
- HEP A/B/C rapid / laboratory test
- Gonococci (in the throat and anus, etc.) – as an on-site test in 2 hours (no health insurance)
- Chlamydia – possible as an on-site test in 2 hours (no health insurance)
- Mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas
- Herpes
- Dell Warts
- Trichomonas vaginalis
- Scabies
- Pubic lice
How is the test for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea collected? Both swab test (throat swab done by doctor, vaginal/anal swab test done by patient themself), urine test for chlamydia
Are rapid tests offered (for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis)? HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis B & C
Price for test(s): Free for insured; 14-215€ depending on the test for private insurance and non-insured
Treatment offered? Yes; insurance needed
PrEP/PEP offered? Yes
Vaccinations offered? N/A
Last updated: 15.08.2024