Warschauer Str. 33
0049 30 97 00 22 88
Target group: N/A (doctor practice, therefore assumed all genders, sexualities etc)
Language: English, German, Spanish
Walk-ins possible? No, but acute consultations possible
Insurance needed? No, but you will have to pay if you don’t have insurance
Anonymity possible? No
How to make an appointment? Via online form on their website, only by phone for acute consultations
Approx. waiting time for an appointment: N/A
Types of tests offered: “STI tests” (not specified), HIV rapid / laboratory test, Syphilis and Hepatitis C tests
How is the test for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea collected? Swab
Are rapid tests offered (for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis)? Only for HIV
Price for test(s): Free with public insurance, invoiced with private insurance, costs with no insurance – no specific amount stated
Treatment offered? Yes
PrEP/PEP offered? Yes
Vaccinations offered? Yes – hepatitis, HPV
Last updated: 15.08.2024